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“Easier” vs. Better!

One of the best things we can do for ourselves is pay attention to our own lives, so we can create lives we love and enjoy, consistently.

When we pay attention to what’s going on, we get better control of our lives so what we say and do is more intentional and lines up with who we know we are; that standard we measure ourselves against to know how we’re doing.

Here’s something to consider…

Much of what we do seems “easier” but isn’t necessarily better.

Our brains are programmed to do certain things because we’ve trained it over time; our habits, behaviors, and responses to others, for example.

Sometimes those habits and behaviors work for us and sometimes they don’t.

Sometimes they feel “easier” but they’re not always better.

For example:

  • It can feel easier to not even try something so you don’t fail, but it can be better to try and possibly fail to learn something good and helpful.
  • It can feel easier to keep quiet about what you think so you don’t risk rejection, but it can be better to speak up and share what you think and enjoy being you.
  • It can feel easier to react defensively to someone, but it can be better to listen to understand instead.
  • It can feel easier to stay in bed and sleep in, but it can be better to get up and make it a great day.
  • It can feel easier to get angry, but it can be better to communicate productively.
  • It can feel easier to say “yes” to someone even though you’d rather say “no,” but it can be better to tell the truth and experience a little temporary discomfort rather than long-term resentment.
  • It can feel easier to distract yourself with an activity or substance instead of feeling painful emotions, but it can be better to learn how to experience the emotions so they don’t continue to control you. 
  • It can feel easier to isolate and hide from people, but it can be better to build good connections with others.
  • It can feel easier to put “that thing” off but it can be better to get it done and feel productive.
  • It’s easier to tell someone what they want to hear, but it can be better to tell them what you actually think.

The distance between easier and better is just a little hard work.

And it’s totally worth it.


What do you do that seems “easier” but it’s not really better?

What would better look like for you?

What would you have to do to get there?

Would it be worth it?

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