Habit Words

Do you have “Habit Words?” Many of us have little those expressions we use that can become part of our personality; common words and phrases we say often and people come to expect us to say them. It’s part of who we are and the people who love us notice…

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Do you know why?

Goals are good. When it comes to setting them and measuring progress, we ask all the right questions and use the right metrics to move forward and accomplish them; who, what, where, when, etc? The answers to those questions keep us on track, focused, purposeful. We measure, calculate, recalculate…it's mostly tangible. The hardest…

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It’s a miracle.

During my counseling internship for my master's degree, my faculty advisor talked about the power of one question we could ask our clients. This one question could identify where someone is currently and where they wish they could be: "During the night, while you were sleeping, a miracle happened. When you…

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